Targetting Multiple Myeloma's Dependence on IRF4 by Antisense Oligonucleotide Drugs



Senior Project Proposal

Angela Hemesath

February 23 2014



  1. Title of Project:

Targeting Multiple Myeloma’s Dependence on IRF4 by Antisense Oligonucleotide Drugs


  1. Statement of Purpose:

Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells (the antibody-producing of white blood cell). As the cancer progresses, the malignant plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow, crowding out healthy cells (“Diseases and Conditions Multiple Myeloma”). Multiple Myeloma may cause weight loss, bone fractures, anemia, or bone cell deficiency (Courseault, 2014). Although Multiple Myeloma is a relatively rare disease, about 25, 000 new cases are reported in the US per year ( Though no cure exists for multiple Myeloma (Davis, 2014), the cancer has been researched genetically in the field of individualized medicine. Studies have shown that many cases of Multiple Myeloma involve the translocation of the MYC gene involving an Ig locus (Dib, 2014). The MYC gene expresses a protein that is in cell cycle progression and cell proliferation. The dysregulation of MYC (when MYC is expressed in excess) is associated with tumors (“Summaries for MYC Gene”).

Studies have suggested that Multiple Myeloma cancer cells are dependent on the transcription factor (a protein that binds to specific genes to control the formation of mRNA from DNA) IRF4. According to this research, the inhibition of IRF4 may be toxic to Myeloma cell lines (Shaffer et al., 2008).

ISIS Biotechnology in Carlsbad, California has produced a drug that uses antisense oligonucleotides (ASO’s) to block IRF4 gene expression by binding IRF4 mRNA and stopping translation, and killing part of the Myeloma population. This drug’s effectiveness have not been analyzed in a variety of different Myeloma cell types.

Experimentally, we hope to determine which cell lines are sensitive or resistant to IRF4 ASO’s. Using these results, we will determine if there is a genetic correlation with drug sensitivity. Through the experiment, an understanding of Multiple Myeloma’s dependence on IRF4 will be obtained, which may provide an opportunity for individualized medicine.

  1. Background: 

            I have been an intern at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale for a year, and have been learning about Multiple Myeloma throughout my internship. Biology classes prepared me for the knowledge and critical thinking that I would require. Having already had an interest in biology, I was further attracted to the topic of genetics by the class and subsequently immersed in the world of genetics by my internship. Because of this, genetic engineering and the idea of predicting and treating disease through genetics fascinates me.



  1. Prior Research:

            Multiple Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells (Davis). These plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow, causing bone pain, anemia, and other side effects (“Diseases and Conditions”). Multiple Myeloma is considered to be incurable.

            The MYC translocation (the locus rearrangement of genes around MYC) was the first translocation found in cancer. However, the expression of MYC cannot occur without the presence of IRF4 (Shaffer et al., 2008).Since the MYC gene transcription factor pushes cell proliferation, its dysregulation often results in tumors or cancers.  MYC translocations may drive MGUS into Multiple Myeloma. MGUS-- Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance—is an abnormal protein present in the blood (“Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)”). MGUS may result in a premalignant tumor present in 4% of adults above the age of 50. Eventually, MGUS may become Multiple Myeloma in 1% of people. Out of those 1% of people, 50% showed a translocation of the MYC gene (a regulator gene that codes for transcription factor). This results in the dysregulation of the MYC gene, which is associated with the initiation of Multiple Myeloma (Bergsagel and Kuehl, 2002).

            MYC is a direct target of IRF4 in Myeloma cells, and IRF4 is a direct target of MYC. According to a study in 2008, Myeloma in which IRF4 production was blocked were killed, with non-Myeloma unaffected. This occurred without genetic abnormalities in IRF4 locus. The study concluded that Myeloma is “addicted” to IRF4, regardless of subtype (Shaffer et al., 2008)

ASOs (antisense oligonucleotides) bind with complimentary mRNA, blocking the expression of a protein (in this case, with the hope to stop formation of IRF4). Research by ISIS (the biotech company in Carlsbad, CA) showed that drugs which utilized the ASO’s worked in certain cell lines (KMS11 should show a marked decrease in metabolic activity, but U266 should not since it does not have a dependency on MYC), but not for all Myelomas.



  1. Significance:

            Multiple Myeloma is present is more men than women, and more African-Americans than Caucasians. Only 30-40% of patients have a complete response to initial treatment, with most only surviving 3-4 years (Bergsagel). Multiple Myeloma is currently treated in such a way that all plasma cells, benign or malignant, are destroyed in the process. This is a very general form of treatment, which does not work for most, and often leaves patients vulnerable to toxicity.

            A wide spectrum of patient outcomes has been observed, ranging from no improvement to remission. This leaves patients at the mercy of trail-and-error treatments that may or may not work depending on the patient’s genes. And, given that Myeloma has 5-10 genetic groupings, patients may have very different treatment experiences.

            If the sensitivity of Multiple Myeloma to these ASO’s can be predicted by the genetic mutations driving multiple myeloma, then ASO’s can be used to efficiently target malignant tumors successfully in the appropriate patients, minimizing costly and/or painfully non-productive therapy. 


  1. Description:

            My research will be done in the Bergsagel Lab at the Mayo Clinic. The work will be at the cellular as well as molecular level. My research will focus on the effect of different genetic backgrounds and the efficacy of targeting IRF4. I will be several ASOs of increasing dosages on a number of cell types in order to determine the effectiveness of the drug, as well as which cell lines are resistant.  



  1. Methodology:

There will be 2 stages of the experiment.

Stage one will be cell line treatment, which will include maintainting the cell lines and then preparing them for the experiment. The cells must be diluted to a concentration of around 20,000-50,000 cells/ml.  These will then be seeded into a 96 well plate with the drugs containing the ASO’s at differing concentrations that may range from 80nM-10uM.

In the second step, we will analyze each stage of the response. We hope to test the effect of the ASO’s at each stage of expression. Through different assays such as cell count, viability and metabolic activity assays. This way, we hope to show experimentally the effect of the ASO’s on the proliferation of the cells, the mRNA inhibition, and, ultimately, synthesis of the IRF4 and MYC protein.   


  1. Potential Problems:

Bergsagel lab has a wide variety of cell lines that would be beneficial to test with the ASO’s. Though there may be some anticipated difficulty in replicating ISIS Biotechnology’s experiments, we can collaborate easily to make sure that the experiment runs smoothly and correctly.

The cell lines are very good representations of the tumors from which they are derived—that is, they mimic the gene expression very closely. However, there are some differences between the behavior of the cell lines and the tumors. However, the cell lines are a good first step toward more advanced studies in animal models as well as clinical trials.





































  1. Bibliography:

A, Jenny. “Myc in Myeloma – Why it’s a Prevalent and Exciting Target.”    Myeloma Crowd, 13 March 2014. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

Bergsagel, Leif P., and W. Michael Kuehl. “Multiple Myeloma: Evolving Genetic             Events and Host Interactions.” Macmillan Magazines Ltd March 2002: 175-     187. Print.

Courseault, Jacques. “Long-term Side Effects of Multiple Meyloma.”    Livestrong, 22 June 2010. Web. 16 Dec. 2014. 

Davis, Charles P. “Multiple Myeloma.”, 17 Sept. 2013.   Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

            “Characterization of MYC Translocations in Multiple Myeloma Cell Lines.”    NCBI, 3 Sep. 2009. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

“Diseases and Conditions Multiple Myeloma.” Mayo Clinic, n.d.     Web. 9 Oct. 2014.

Martín-Subero JI, Odero, Hernandez R, Cigudosa JC, Agirre X, Saez B, Sanz-            García E, Ardanaz MT, Novo FJ, Gascoyne RD, Calasanz MJ, Siebert R.             “Amplification of IGH/MYC fusion in clinically aggressive IGH/BCL2-positive          germinal center B-cell lymphomas.” NCBI, Aug. 2005. Web. 16          Dec. 2014. 

“Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance.”             Mayo Clinic, 17 May 2013. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

“Multiple Myeloma.” American Cancer Society, 16 June 2014. Web.   16 Dec. 2014.

Shaffer, Arthur L., Emre, N.C. Tolga, Lamy, Laurence, etc, 2008, “IRF4 Addiction in         Multiple Myeloma.” Nature, v. 454, p. 226-231.
“Summaries for MYC Gene.” Genecards. N.d. Web. 16 Dec.             2014.

“Transcription Factor.” Britainica. N.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2014.

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